DREAM BIG - Photo by Colin Malley


Colin Malley is a multi-faceted graphic designer and art director, with over 10 years of hands-on, NYC based design/brand identity experience focusing largely on packaging.  He has successfully developed packaging systems for major retail rollouts in both the mass and prestige markets using a diverse array of materials and vendors. Colin routinely takes programs from concept to completion both independently, and in conjunction with a team, while adhering to pressing timeline and budget constraints. He is a creative problem solver and is fluent in all aspects of the design process including, but not limited to, the design/ideation stage, comp/prototype development, and the creation and release of press-ready mechanicals. Colin also has creative team/studio budget management experience, as well as a strong background in comp/prototype studio design and build-out. His extensive knowledge of both production and manufacturing, coupled with his comp studio experience and most importantly his skills as a seasoned graphic artist, will make him a great asset to your design team or the perfect designer for your creative needs.


Colin will strive to create the best voice, personality and visual language to make the right connection between your brand and the consumer audience. Through structure and/or graphics, Colin will communicate your brand’s story better than the competition.  His approach will create a brand experience that accurately tells your product’s story both on the shelf and after purchase by using the best logos, color, graphics, illustration and photography in a way that’s both honest and aspirational.